Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society Members’ Show

Framing Company and Gallery

State College Framing Company will welcome members of the Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society from 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 8. Please note the previous Saturday will be a home football game.

Location: State College Framing & Gallery, Hills Plaza, 160 Rolling Ridge Dr, St College, PA 16801

  • Number of Paintings: 1 to 3 (one being larger 16×20)

  • Art Delivery Dates: Monday, September 25th to Friday, Sept 29th.  Times: shop hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Phone: 814-234-7336

  • Pick-Up: First week in November, during store hours

The Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society was formed in November, 2004 with the following 11 founding members in attendance: Jill Foster (Founder), David Butt,  Ed Dornell, Harry Holder, Sarah Pollock, Liz Roth, Pat Sanders, Linda Schimmel, Harriet Swanson, Milt Trask and Shirley Vogelsong. Since that time, the society has continued to grow and its members are dedicated to the following goals:

  • To promote fellowship among members

  • To raise public awareness of pastel as an artistic medium

  • To enhance creative painting with pastels

  • To offer educational activities that foster growth among members

To learn more about the Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society, click here.